Thursday, November 18, 2010

Friday ramblings and such...

Dear Bride-has-beens...

Has it ever occured to you, one of those days where you go through all the hype and anxiety of preparing and waiting for your big day, just to realise that in the middle of the journey there are so many nyamuks resembling in human form (no names mentioned) trying to have a hand in almost everything you do?

Stay away from buzzing at mah ear!!!

Personally, for brides-to-be, you have to be prepared to accept that. Whether nyamuks, lalats or even wasps for the that matter (the noise gets to a higher frequency everytime), You could deduce the conclusion to be in two forms:

1) that you mean everything to them, they love you that they'd want to do everything for you and that they want things to be perfect...(a fairy-tale way of looking at it)...OR

2) that you're in Gen Y and that you and your family are doing everything wrongly OR

3) Perhaps YOUR WEDDING shall be done the way they have envisioned how their DREAM WEDDING is going to be...

Regardless of the possibilities above, one thing is a definite outcome: It's most possible that you are most likely go into confusion between what's right, what's necessary, what's affordable and WHAT YOU WANT (ni yang bahaya ni...), and  what will society perceive of you if you go against what they normally would do; And taking into account of every opinion is no win-win solution either as you could possible subject yourself to ridicule and dis-satisfaction from all parties.

Fortunately I must do include that there  are also great friends who'd actually give you great advice on the important things  in expectance of the big of which you'd really don't want to leave out. Food for example, a friend of mine highlighted a situation she encountered where the wedding did not cater enough food for the guests, so obviously it would be a talked-about scoop wouldn't it? Now that's a piece of information that I believe is very useful. Lebih tak apa, boleh bungkus...better than tak cukup makanan...:)

Despite that, how do you strike that perfect balance in knowing what is to be, what should be, and what would be nice to have if they're around? Do tell me how...

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